As we continue the season of Lent, a time of reflection, sacrifice, and spiritual renewal, Mission Doctors invites you to join us on a journey. Lent presents a unique opportunity to deepen our connection with God and reaffirm our commitment to serving others.
Here are three ways you can walk alongside us during this sacred season:
Prayer: We invite you to unite in prayer for those currently serving and preparing to serve on both long and short-term missions. Our eBook of Missionary Saints offers reflections and prayers that can enrich your Lenten journey. Download the eBook here. Additionally, explore the Stations of the Cross from the perspective of our mission’s calling and vision. Access the link here.
Fasting: Embracing personal sacrifices during Lent helps us draw nearer to God, following the example set by Jesus and the saints. Consider fasting from distractions that hinder your spiritual growth or committing to a specific act of self-denial that keeps God at the forefront of your focus.
Giving: Your support of Mission Doctors has had a profound impact on countless lives worldwide. Through your generosity, we’ve been able to send selfless Catholic medical professionals to some of the most remote and impoverished regions of the world. These dedicated individuals not only provide essential medical care but also offer hope and compassion to those in dire need. Your ongoing support empowers us to respond affirmatively to the requests of Catholic Bishops, Sisters, and Hospital Administrators seeking our assistance.
May our Lenten observances bring us closer to God and inspire us to serve others with love and compassion.
Thank you for walking alongside Mission Doctors during this sacred season. Together, we can make a meaningful difference in the lives of those in need.