Since 2011, people around the world have recognized November 17 as World Prematurity Day. This day was created to raise awareness of the serious health crisis that affects 1 in 10 babies throughout the world. Premature birth not only increases the risk of life-threatening complications for infants, but can also result in lifelong health issues for those born prematurely. Though this is a worldwide health crisis affecting approximately 15 million babies born each year, there is still no known singular cause of premature birth. Â
So today we pray for all the infants born prematurely, that they live and grow to be healthy children. We pray for the doctors throughout the world that are giving these infants their chance at life. We pray for the mothers of these children, that they may be able to care for these children and receive support in doing so. Â
Thank you to all of those who are keeping these children and this day in your prayers. Â
Amie Garcia