What a wonderful Sunday! Once again we came together to Bless Healers and Celebrate Health! Archbishop José Gomez spoke in his homely of the unique roll healthcare workers play in sharing the love of God with their patients and families. He spoke of Saint Teresa of Calcutta who prayed, “Dearest Lord, may I see you today and every day in the person of your sick… And say, Jesus, my patient, how sweet it is to serve you.”
At this Mass the Archdiocese honored two women with Awards of Excellence for their tremendous contribution to healthcare throughout the diocese, Suzanne Healy, LMFT and Sr. Colleen Settles, OP, MA. Mission Doctors Association presented the National Catholic Doctor of the Year Award to Dr. Gina Lawson of Kansas City, MO.
We are so delighted that this event has now taken root once again in the Archdiocese and I congratulate everyone associated with this annual celebration for the tremendous work that has made this possible.
In 2008, Mission Doctors Association decided we wanted to recognize a National Catholic Doctor of the Year and bring back the tradition of the White Mass in the Archdiocese of Los Angeles. We wrote to Cardinal Mahoney to share with him our hopes. The Cardinal welcomed the idea and put us in contact with the amazing Sister Angela Hallahan. The first couple of years this event was held Holy Family Parish in South Pasadena, until we grew the attendance. Sr. Angela and the faithful have worked so hard to ensure that the seed planted would indeed grow.
As we moved to the Cathedral it became apparent, if we wanted to continue to host the very special ‘thank you’ reception following the Mass, we would need help. The Dan Murphy Foundation became a vital partner, not only in this event but in two Retreats that are now held annually for Healthcare Professionals.
This partnership with the Archdiocese of Los Angeles and the Dan Murphy Foundation has allowed MDA to say ‘thank you’, to hold in prayer and bless all in the Archdiocese involved in the care of the sick, as well as recognize the special contribution of a Catholic Doctor of the Year.