Isa. 40: 1-5, 9-11;
2 Peter 3: 8-14;
Mark 1:1-8
Hope seems to be in short supply nowadays. Corporate Media is constantly bombarding us with messages of fear, hate, and imminent destruction whether from war, totalitarianism, or a virus. Some political leaders are even telling people not to celebrate Christmas. And we, as humans, are affected by what we see, hear, and experience which presently seems dark and hopeless. But is it? Are we passive and with no power to choose?
Today’s readings from the Prophet Isaiah and the Second Letter of Peter remind us of two simple facts which we know as Christians: one that God promises an eschatological future where injustice, fear, and evil are destroyed and second that God’s timing is not ours. So we know that good eventually triumphs though not on our timing; God is in charge, not us.
What does that mean for us today? It means that our life as a believer in Christ is NEVER hopeless regardless of our personal situation marred by sin, or terrible relationships or illness, or repression. As St. Paul reminds us ‘nothing can separate us from the love of God’. And furthermore, we are never alone- Christ walks with us. We have only to be aware of this and ask for His grace to guide us every day to remain faithful and loving to those whom we meet daily.
So, in our preparation for the Coming of Christ on December 25th let us please focus on hope today. Do we take time to reflect on God’s immense love for us individually? Do we spend time in prayer thanking God for the gift of life and how we can share that life with those around us, even the stranger whom we meet on the street? Spread the love of Christ and ask what is needed to be done today rather than worrying or being paralyzed by fear.
Have a wondrous Second Sunday of Advent and please remember and, if possible, financially support the Mission Doctors who through their medical talents give hope and love to God’s poorest.
Walk in Beauty!
Br. John Kiesler, OFM