Often times when there is an emergency around the world, people will ask me about supporting Mission Doctors, and while during Covid we responded to the needs of our Mission Partners for support for PPE, staffing, and more, this is not generally the work of Mission Doctors. The global nature of COVID has been unique, yet our doctors and their families serve in areas where there are great needs, but where the evening news is unlikely to write a story.
However today, we cannot ignore what is happening in Ukraine, and their generous neighbors opening their arms to welcome them. It reminds me of when Tom and I served in Thailand during the refugee crisis from Laos and Cambodia. This was not the work we were there to do, but we did witness how the Catholic Church responds to international emergencies, and as a Catholic, I have shared with many since returning home in 1981 this should make you proud.
Having people already in place around the world – CRS, Caritas International, was not only there to care for refugees, but remained long after the needs appeared in the evening news. Creating both emergency care and transitional care for people who had come through so much. So today Tom and I are supporting CRS’s efforts to help the people of Ukraine and their neighbors.
I do not have a scarcity philosophy. I believe those of you who support Mission Doctors’ work may wish to, and be able to, also support this important need, and so I wanted to share this with you.
Let us all pray for peace.