November 1st, the Feast of All Saints is a celebration of the communion of saints, those people we believe are in heaven, through good works and God’s grace. Among the saints are the ones who are recognized by the Church as Saints and the many who have worked in their lives, although unrecognized, are also counted among the Saints. For some people, those recognized as saints, may seem far from our lives yet in each are stories of faith, humanity, humility, that we can draw from.
A recently beatified young man, Blessed Carlo Acutis died of leukemia in2006 at the age of 15. Pope Frances said of Blessed Carlo “His witness shows today’s young people that true happiness is found by putting God first and serving Him in our brothers, especially the least.” You can read more about this young man’s life and faith. Among other things, Blessed Carlo created a web site to document Eucharistic Miracles around the world. He is the first millennial to be Beatified.
November 2nd, All Souls’ Day we pray together for all those who have died,that they too will be with God after their natural life ends. Our loved ones, those who have gone before, who in Cameroon are referred to as ‘of Blessed Memory’ on this day we remember. We invite you to submit names and we will place them on the Altar of our Mission House for the month of November. You can sumbit the names here-
We are all together those who came before us and those of us who today seek ways to serve God in our Brothers and Sisters.
Please keep Mission Doctors in your prayers.