I can’t believe 4 months is almost up already!
In August, we welcomed two doctors to the Mission House with the 2021 formation program for long-term service.
Over the last several months, we have gotten to know Mary Anne and Lucy and they have gotten to know us. Each week they have attended classes in theology, mission, personal development, and Catholic social teaching.

And now we are preparing for their Commissioning on December 5th. The Commissioning of our Mission Doctors is special because, I am sure many of know, missionaries don’t just go, they are sent.  As Jesus commissioned the apostles to go out, we too commission these Mission Doctors to go out, to care for the sick, to help provide training for local health care professionals, and to serve as witnesses of our shared faith.
During the Commissioning Mass, we as a Catholic community will bless Dr. Mary Anne Barnhill and Dr. Lucy Goh to be sent out for long-term, 3-year service to Ghana and Peru.
As the date approaches, we will be emailing you, inviting you to join us in prayer during their Commissioning Mass on December 5th.  Knowing that you too are holding them in prayer, as part of the larger Mission Doctors Community is so deeply meaningful.
Please join our formation team in praying for Lucy and Mary Anne as they move through the final days of formation and the closing Retreat prior to their Commissioning.