READINGS: BARUCH 3:1-9; PHIL. 1:4-6; 8-11; LUKE 3: 1-6
“Prepare the way of the Lord, make straight his paths…”
Today’s reading from the Gospel of Luke introduces us to the ministry of John the Baptist, living in the desert, whose vocation is to prepare the way for the Messiah. So, what can we get from this reading as none of us live in the desert (as John did)?
As we learned last Sunday Advent is a time of preparation for the Solemnity of the Nativity. Today, Luke wants us to continue our focus on preparation but now not on individual reflection but on how do our actions to prepare the way of the Lord. What in the world could that mean for us?
In daily life, each of us comes across a variety of individuals: family, friends, co-workers, and service workers. These are regular folks who are carrying joys, pains, burdens, questions, and anxieties most of the time invisible to an outsider. People whose life often seems uncertain and without direction or hope. How do our words, mannerism, and actions prepare the way of the Lord? In the hustle and bustle of daily life, how do we treat those who cross our paths? Do we view the worker at the 7-11 as merely another machine? Or do we ignore the silent clamoring of our husband or wife? Or move along when we see suffering by someone?
Today’s reading does not call us to imitate the passionate preaching of John the Baptist but that our actions prepare the way of the Lord by how infused they are with love and respect. We prepare the way by demonstrating to others, especially strangers, that someone treats them as a human being with respect and joy.
Prepare the way for the Lord whose Incarnation shone a spotlight on the dignity of humanity as well as the immense love of God.
So, this Sunday how do we treat others, especially when we are rushed or distracted? Something to think about today.
Please remember the doctors of MDA- especially the two who are commissioned today to go overseas and serve God’s poor- through prayer and financial support.
God bless you and Happy Second Sunday of Advent!