You might remember the movie The Matrix, which still remains a cult classic with many people. In the film, a person is given a choice of seeing reality as it is or how we normally view it. While for the film reality was, in fact, a computer simulation; the plot is a modern version of Plato’s Allegory of the Cave. What do we see around us? And do we have the will and courage to look at the world, others, and ourselves honestly?
The Gospel reading from John is a story about Jesus bringing sight to a man born blind. It is a story which, no doubt, we have heard many times and can dismiss as just another ‘miracle story’ but to do so would keep us from asking an important question. What are we blind to in our lives? What do we see in our daily life? I am sure we see family, friends, and the material objects which surround us but how deeply do we look? That is the real issue, how deeply do we look? It is not whether we wear glasses but rather that our perception is often clouded by fear, ego, or ambition. How deeply do we look at others or ourselves? How often do we act out of love and understanding when facing conflict rather than knee-jerk reactions?
Jesus’ reminds us today that He is the Light of the World which is not just a pious theological metaphor but a reality. Through the Holy Spirit’s grace we can begin to see more deeply into the world and others; we can over time come to see others not as objects but as Christ sees them (and us). Looking beneath the veneer of daily routine to feel the loneliness, the disappointment, the hurt and anger which so many carry on their backs daily. Christ’s Light can allow us to bring compassion to our dealings with others, especially those who are difficult, not because we are so good but because God has been so compassionate to us. As People of God this Lent calls us to allow grace to enlighten us and see others with the compassion of Christ.
Mission Doctors look into the hearts of God’s suffering poor and though healing broken bodies show compassion and love. Please support them prayerfully and financially.
God bless you and Happy Lent!