April 7th, 2023 is both Good Friday and World Health Day. This year’s World Health Day represents the 75th Anniversary of the founding of the World Health Organization (WHO).
75 years ago, countries across the world came together to “promote health, keep the world safe and serve the vulnerable” (WHO).
As these two significant events share the same date this year, I believe God is guiding us to remember in the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus, that which he proclaimed of serving all of our brothers and sisters.
To serve the sick, the poor, the vulnerable is the gospel upon which Mission Doctors is founded. And it is in World Health Day that we unite with our brothers and sisters of every faith working to level healthcare disparities across the world.
Mission Doctors is proud to be a part of the legacy of global healthcare service. We celebrate this World Health Day and we will continue on in our work in the name of Jesus Christ.