[Isa. 52:13-53:12; Hebrews 4:14-16; 5:7-9; John 18:1-19:42]
Good Friday, once again? What makes it good- I mean if someone close to me died it would be insane to label it a ‘good day’. Why does the Church view the day during which Jesus was tortured, publicly humiliated and died as ‘Good Friday’? Didn’t seem like such a good day for Jesus- the ultimate ‘bad hair day’ if you ask me!
Good Friday is GOOD for us for in the story of Jesus’ last day we learn of how great God’s love is for us, love that is willing to endure death. This is not a matter of God the Father handing over His Son to be slaughtered for us (sadly this ultra-Calvinist view is still held by even some Catholics and defies biblical scholarship) but rather a God who loves us so intensely that from before time intended to be with us as a human. A love- like human love- that desires to be close to the beloved. The Incarnation is God’s love poem to all humanity but instead of cheers we reacted by nailing Jesus to the Cross- the fate of all prophetic voices of the past, present and, no doubt, future- due to sin. So the Son of God not only shared our human limitations (He had to learn a language, a trade, was thirsty and hungry and probably often lonely) but death (something none of us wants a share in!). Suffering for each of us not to make us feel miserable but to remind us of each person’s dignity and infinite value.
Often we wonder about violence and suffering in the world. How could a loving God allow suffering? (this is called the theodicy question-something to use J) There is no smart, answer only a picture- Jesus on the Cross pointing that suffering in violence, results of sin in creation, can be borne with the God who is always with us.
Mission Doctors help carry the cross of the many poor throughout the world who are burdened by sickness and disease but they need your spiritual and financial support. God bless you and Good Friday!