“We are one body, one body in Christ, and he came that we may have life”

As this Feast of Corpus Cristi, the feast of the Body of Christ, is celebrated, our shared Eucharist (our thanksgiving) calls us to go beyond ourselves.
Our belief that Christ is truly present in the bread and wine is not symbolic or a representative of the truth, but in truth Christ’s genuine body and blood.
In every corner of the earth at every hour of every day, the bread is raised, the chalice is raised and transformed, and as we receive we are united with Christ and with each other.
I remember my First Communion. As the youngest in the family I was so excited to at last be able to participate fully in the Mass and not have to sit out what was obvious, even to a 7 year old, the most important moment.
In our Archdiocese we have been asked to stand in our place after receiving. I know for some this has not felt like the position of reflection that they are familiar with, if they prefer to kneel. For me it is the perfect posture that reflects and reinforces the reality that I have received the body and blood of Christ, not alone, but with you and with my sisters and brothers around the world.  I admit to closing my eyes as I stand and consider the implications of this reality. This is a moment that has often brought me to joy, and even to tears.
Jesus Christ who died and has risen is present. Jesus Christ who died and has risen is now part of me. First, I am called to gratitude, and then to recognition that I am not alone. I must care. I must do. I must reflect the God that resides within me, who calls me to know as the words of this song: “We are one body, one body in Christ, and he came that we may have life.”