Imagine being in the room with the disciples on Pentecost.
In hiding, their fear of repercussions from the Jewish leaders held them captive.
Suddenly in the face of this overwhelming anxiety, the Holy Spirit comes in a ‘strong, driving wind’.
This divine “wind”, a miracle for the disciples, these fathers and mothers of our Church, moving them beyond fear. This miracle strengthened them to go out to spread the message of love and forgiveness of Jesus Christ.
We are all called to share His healing message today in our words and maybe more importantly our actions.
I want to share a short prayer that Br. John Kiesler, OFM wrote several years ago for this Holy Day.
“Today, let us pray for the Holy Spirit to move us and the Church from fear to love in action to tell, as well as show by our lives, others about the freedom that comes from Christ.
Today, please keep in prayer those Mission Doctors moved by the Holy Spirit to action, who care for our brothers and sisters around the world.