Dr. Jim Hake wrote of their experience
“What an amazing experience it was to leave the comforts of home and settle into the daily routines of a third world country a few days later. Terry spent her days assisting at the orphanage and working at Project Hope, a local HIV/AIDS awareness program. The scope of the HIV/AIDS epidemic in Africa takes on a new dimension when you work with the people who are the victims. There were multiple new cases of HIV daily and its effects are obviously devastating with over one half of the adults in the hospital HIV positive.

My days were spent attending hospitalized patients and staffing the outpatient clinic. Malaria, Tuberculosis, HIV/AIDS, Hepatitis, Gastroenteritis and Dehydration were the most frequent problems dealt with. The 150 bed, St. Martin De Porres Hospital is currently staffed by three Cameroonian doctors who do an amazing job. The Tertiary Sisters of St. Frances, led by Sister Xaveria provide the leadership to a very dedicated staff. Limited diagnostics (x-ray and lab) and medications provided daily challenges.
St. Martin De Porres Hospital

The people of Njinikom and St. Anthony’s Parish warmly welcomed us. We witnessed a strong presence of the Catholic faith in the community and hospital. The happiness of the people was impressive despite a lack of material wealth. Our lives have been enriched by the experience and we plan to return to Njinikom in the future and continue our association with MDA. Thank you for all your support.”