Mission Doctors Association


When I was growing up, The Solemnity of the Ascension was celebrated on, the Thursday that was 40 days after Easter. Today in my Archdiocese and in many places, it is now celebrated on the following Sunday. When the number 40 is used in the Bible is reflects a time of preparation.

During the 40 days that followed His resurrection Jesus appeared, in his glorified body, to his disciples and prepared them for what would happen next. He would Ascend and tells them to stay in Jerusalem and wait. Wait for “the promise of the Father about which you have heard me speak; for John baptized with water, but in a few days you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit.”

If we pause, if we wait, and consider what gifts we have received, then ask “How am I being called to share these gifts?”

Dear Jesus, when you ascended to Heaven, You left the work here on earth for us to continue.

We don’t always feel up to the task. Increase our trust in You. Help us follow the example of the disciples who “joined together constantly in prayer” that in this life we will courageously share our gifts, and when our journey ends be with You forever. We pray in Your name, Jesus, our Ascended Lord. Amen.

Elise Frederick

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